SUITS Guidelines
Innovative & Sustainable Financing
This innovative financing decision support tool for small and medium sized local authorities, will help you in identifying different types and sizes of transport measures to enhance understanding of novel ways to better leverage and maximise funds (e.g. green bonds), and present arguments to investors and new business opportunities.
Business Models for Transport
By applying the "SUITS business-models’ Guidelines" cities and other stakeholders are equipped to approach the financing of sustainable mobility measures by demonstrating the project feasibility in terms of social, economic, financial, technical and administrative factors, as well as in terms of externalised costs (the cost of accidents, congestions, emissions, socioeconomic impact, accessibility, urban regeneration).
Innovative Procurement
The SUITS Guidelines on procurement provides a guide for local authorities and other stakeholders to apply to schemes for innovative procurement in the planning and implementation of innovative sustainable mobility measures. Consequently, SUITS offers a strong support to local authorities and other stakeholders in their endeavors to develop more effective approaches regarding transport plans and implementation.